Types of Treatment

The foundation of all treatment programs in this practice is osteopathic manipulation. Osteopathic manipulative treatment is gentle and precise. Numerous styles of osteopathic manipulation are available. We try to tailor the modalities to each patient and their problem. Some osteopathic manipulative modalities are so gentle that they can be used in infants and the elderly. These techniques are also suitable to patients who are fearful of manipulative treatment. All styles of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) are available including:
Muscle energy
Cranial osteopathy
Myofascial release
Positional release
Functional method
Trigger band technique
Still technique
Physical medicine modalities are available including:
Hot packs
Electric muscle stimulation
Traction (spinal decompression)
Home exercise training
woman having head massage
Other modalities available:
Trigger point injections are available to break up painful, stubborn areas of muscle spasm.
Prolotherapy injections are available to strengthen areas of chronic soft tissue strain.
Prescription medications are available when needed. This is always aimed at curing a problem and not just covering the problem over. Patients requiring narcotic medication will be referred as this is not the focus of the practice.
woman havong massage